How To Manage And Prevent Fleas In Cats With The Best Flea Shampoo

best flea shampoo for cats

Are pesky pests causing discomfort for your feline companion? You are not alone in this predicament. Let us walk through this issue and allow us to introduce the best flea shampoo for cat treatment and prevention.

Cat flea, scientifically known as ctenocephalides felis, is one of the most common flea species, second only to dog fleas. They are wingless, small, and resemble shiny black specks to the naked eye. They reproduce at an alarming rate, with a single female flea laying up to 30 eggs daily.

It is nearly impossible to shield your cats from picking up fleas in their environment, as fleas can hitch a ride on apparel and then move on to your cats. The most common sign of the presence of fleas is itching. Flea bites introduce anticoagulants into the cat’s skin, triggering an immune response leading to redness and swelling.

In serious conditions, your cats might develop flea allergy dermatitis, a skin condition characterized by redness, swelling and scabs. Crusty lesions can develop, leading to bald patches due to hair loss. In addition, an infestation of fleas can cause flea anaemia, when a cat loses excessive red blood cells due to flea bites, resulting in symptoms like lethargy, poor appetite and irritability.

When you noticed that your cat is constantly scratching, do check for the presence of fleas. If you have identified that fleas are present, you can start by using an anti-flea shampoo. You can check out our flea shampoo for cats.

Here’s why:

  • Contains Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to stop flea larvae from developing into adult fleas
  • Breaks flea life-cycle to prevent re-infestation
  • Safe to use
  • Clinically proven to be effective up to 5 weeks

To ensure the environment remains flea-free and to prevent re-infestation, we highly recommend using our best flea shampoo for cats and dogs – Anistrike Anti-Tick and Flea Spray. Spray around your pet’s living and playing areas to completely eradicate fleas.

Our best-selling flea shampoo is more than a product, it is our commitment and gesture of love and care for your furry friend. We at Canaan Alpha believe that your pet is family and deserves only the best. With years of research behind us, we believe that our range of products are the perfect choices for your cats.

We also do offer other high quality pet related products such the best dog shampoo in Malaysia, pet odour eliminator and flea and tick shampoo for both dogs and cats. Don’t wait, try our range of pet care products today! Contact us for more information.